Monday, February 1, 2010

Social Media I

The way we share information and gather business leads has changed exponentially over the past 5 years. Venues such as Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin have made it possible for people to seek out and receive business and product referrals in a matter of seconds. Are you keeping up with what it takes to be successful in this information age? Social Media 1 will provide an overview of the most important aspects of Web 2.0 and show you how to start your own social media accounts and enhance them to attract maximum viewership.

Members of the Social Media 1 class will be expected to establish their own social media accounts and interact through several Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter groups established for the class.

Session 1:

Web 2.0:

•What is Web 2.0?

•How are people using the Internet to share information, referrals, reviews?

•How can you use Web 2.0 to advance your businesses goals?


•What is Facebook?

•Setting up an account

•Best Practices

•Establishing a Fan or Group Page (What are the differences?)

•Using Profiles, Fan Pages and Group Pages to promote business

•Effective promotions

•The most important Apps

•Simple FBML to customize your page (Facebook Markup Language)

•Tagging functions

•Facebook on your mobile

Session 2:


•What can you say in 150 characters?

•Gaining followers

•Customizing your profile


•Auto Followers

•Pictures, Video

•Short URLs

•Twitter on your mobile


•Its use

•Making the most of your profile

•Gaining referrals

•Job searches and hiring

•Group functions

Session 3:







•Different blogging services

•Starting and customizing your blog

•What to blog about?

•Incorporating video, photo


•Connecting your blog to your other social media

•Promoting your blog



•Tying all aspects of your Web 2.0 campaign together

•How to do more in less time


Meet your Instructor:

Ian Leslie is director of marketing for the Lowcountry Economic Network.

In his role as marketing director Leslie oversees several social media ventures for the Network, including management of the @lenetwork Twitter account and Industry Appreciation, Lowcountry Economic Network and Pecha Kucha Beaufort fan pages.

Through the Network, his own consulting business and volunteer works Leslie manages social media accounts that reach a combined viewership of more than 3,000 people.

Leslie successfully has used social media as a whole and targeted campaigns to create a viral, underground energy for events and attract attention to local businesses and civic organizations.

Leslie received his bachelor’s degree from the University at Albany in 2001. He worked as a journalist in New York and South Carolina before joining the Network in 2008.

Want to know more about Ian Leslie? You can find him at all of these online locations:

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